16 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Tuned in Tuesday

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For the past year almost, I have mentioned to everyone that I really want to watch the movie Space Jam. I don’t know why but I hadn’t seen it in FOREVER and I really wanted to watch it and remember why I loved it so much. I checked Red Box and Blockbuster, but I couldn’t find it on DVD. I was planning on ordering it on Amazon.com. While I was at home this past weekend, I was channel surfing and what do you know… SPACE JAM WAS ON TV! It was on Cartoon Network, so I immediately recorded it. When I watched it, it was as good as I remember. And so in honor of that movie, this week’s “Tuned in Tuesday” is Space Jam by: Quad City DJ from the movie Space Jam. When I listen to this song it gets me hyped up and brings me back to my childhood. I hope it does the same for you ;-)

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